Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Hurricanes And Water Safety Made Simple And Easy

If there is a hurricane heading to your area, then it is most important that you make preparations, incase you decide to simply wait the hurricane out. Arguably the most important thing that you can do is to make sure that you have a sizeable bottled water supply in your home. It is important that you make sure that the water supply is proportionate to the number of people dwelling at your house, as there must be enough water for the duration of the storm. It is critical that you have clean drinking water during the storm. The water from the sea and sewer system may have affected the water in your tap, so you should never assume that the water coming out of your faucet is clean. You should not drink anything but bottled water during a hurricane. This contaminated water could sicken your family or guests and even cause death in the worst case. You should make sure that there is at least one gallon of water for one person to drink a day. Water purification tablets and chlorinated bleach come highly recommended, as they can be used to clean water in most situations. It is important that you let the treated water set for at least 30 minutes before you drink it.

It is important that you, under no circumstances whatsoever, do not drink water that may be contaminated. Damage to your body caused by contaminated water is devastating and if you have drank any contaminated water and are afflicted with the symptoms of it, it is very unlikely that you will be able to make it to a hospital during the hurricane and death could very well result. If you receive any cuts or wounds, do not try and wash it off with faucet water. This could make the contamination’s job that much easier. You should instead wash the cut or cuts with soap and chlorine bleach treated water. This will help keep serious harm from happening.

You should at no point allow children to play in flood waters, no matter how hot it may get in your building. If there are toys that have come into contact with water that you so much as suspect as being contaminated, you should have the toys disinfected before allowing the children to play with them again. You should also board up your windows and doors with plywood, as it keeps glass from being blown into your home and causing cuts.