Tuesday, January 22, 2008

One Of The Most Deadly Fevers In America Caused By Mold

In the deserts of the Southwestern United States, Mexico, and different parts of South America exists a particularly nasty variety of mold that can cause an extremely serious skin disease. This is Coccidioides immitis and if left untreated, it can turn fatal.

Coccidioidomycosis (or Valley Fever) is caused by inhaling the spores of C. immitis. The clinical features of this disease (when there are any symptoms at all) usually include rashes, headaches, coughing, fever, and myalgia. Myalgia is another name for “muscle pain” and this can be the cause of many different disorders and diseases. The most frequent cause of this is the extensive use of a certain muscle or a set of muscles. If the patient does not have a history of accidents, then it is probably due to a viral or a bacterial infection. If it is a long term symptom, then it could be a symptom of some kind of nutritional deficiency.

One of the most common causes of the inhalation of the C. immitis spores is the disturbance of contaminated, dusty soil. This can be due to either a person exposing themselves to the soil while in the process of work, recreation, or as a result of a natural disaster such as an earthquake or a dust storm. The states where the disease is known to be endemic are California, Arizona, and New Mexico.

The incidence of this disease in the year 1995 in Arizona was 15 infections per 100,000 people.

Those at risk for this disease are those who work in areas where the disease is endemic and do work that exposes them to contaminated dust and soil, which are construction workers, archeologists, or any kind of agricultural worker. Pregnant women that are in their third trimester, Asians, African Americans, and anyone who has a weakened immune system are also particularly at risk to contract this disease.

Some people who contract this disease do not recover and this can bring on chronic pulmonary infection or even a disseminated infection that can be located all over the body. If not treated or a person with HIV or AIDs does not recover completely from this disease, severe pulmonary disease may surface.

In 2001, a group of archeologists who had been working at a dig in Utah developed the disease within about two weeks of being exposed to the contaminated soil. Since then, there has been a new regulation put into place requiring the watering of the soil before digging can begin and for the use of breathing masks.

Why Use Dogs To Detect Mold When Kits Are Just As Effective

There have been reports of different mold remediation companies using dogs in order to detect the presence of toxic mold in the homes and businesses that they are paid to treat. Obviously, this is probably not a good idea on the part of the remediation service, as animals are not any less susceptible to the effects of toxic molds and other fungi than we human beings are. Any medical mycologist will gladly give you this information and also inform you that this practice of using dogs to sniff out mold is not something that should be promoted. It is cruelty to animals and needs to be stopped. In modern times, there is no reason whatsoever for this method of mold detection to continue at all for any reason. There are many other ways to detect mold besides putting a defenseless animal in danger.

Dogs cannot identify what species of mold is present or in what quantity; only trained and certified scientists are capable of doing this. Some people will tell you that they use dogs because of the health risk that it presents to humans to detect the mold themselves, but this claim is not worthy of anyone’s belief. The fact is that mold inspectors and investigators that become ill and develop serious lung and skin diseases are contracting these because of the incorrect usage of their personal protection equipment. Biohazard suits and respirators should be used when a professional is attempting to locate or remove mold from a home or business. The diseases and conditions that can be caused by mold can very well result in death and while we humans have the ability to go to a doctor and acknowledge when we are will, dogs and other animals do not have this choice. It is frequently the case that by the time a mold related infection occurring in a pet is noticed, it is completely beyond treatment and the animal needs to be put down to avoid further suffering.

Our pets can become affected by fungal eye infections, respiratory diseases, kidney, and other infections caused by pathogenic molds. After an exposure to toxic or allergenic molds, the immune system of the body develops an allergic sensitivity and becomes less able to defend itself against opportunistic infections.

Please do not hire anyone who uses “mold dogs” to detect mold in your home or business. If you would not allow your own pet to be used in such a manner, why would you allow any other animal? There are plenty of other ways for a reputable mold remediation company to detect mold in your home.

A Dangerous Problem May Be Hiding Under The Snow

Most people love a beautiful blanket of snow on their lawn during the wintertime, but they are not aware of the fact that there can be a very unwelcome visitor lurking underneath that snow. The worst thing is, they probably will not know about it until the snow is already melted and the disease has done its damage.

Snow mold typically becomes a problem when the blanket of snow does not melt for a long period of time. The mold begins to grow when a thick, wet blanket of snow falls on ground that is not frozen.

The symptoms of snow mold generally consist of circular patches of dead grass that are usually 3 to 12 inches in diameter. In extreme cases, you might not be able to tell that these patches are circles at all because most of the grass has died. Pink snow mold, caused by Microdochium nivale, can look white initially and when it matures, it turns from a pale pink to a deep salmon-like color. Gray snow mold, caused by species in the genus Typhula, is anywhere from gray to white in color. It is a good idea to determine whether you are dealing with gray or pink snow mold, because gray snow mold does not tend to damage more than just the blades of the grass. Pink snow mold can completely kill the roots if it is left untreated.

Snow molds are usually active around temperatures just above freezing in somewhat wet conditions. It can grow not only when snow covers a lawn, but also when autumn leaves cover it for a long period of time, as well. Any kind of grass can be affected by this disease, but it has been noted that Kentucky bluegrass lawns are some of the least likely to suffer severe damage.

If you want to prevent snow mold from growing on your lawn, one of the best things that you can do is take care of it around the end of summer. As long as the grass keeps growing, you should keep having it mowed. If you apply any fertilizers to your lawn during the fall, you should apply them over six weeks before you expect the grass to stop growing. Nitrogen fertilizer should not be used around the time the grass stops growing or it will cause a burst of growth and give the mold more to feed on while the snow is on top of it.

Mycology: The Study Of Mold And Other Fungi

Mycology is the study of fungi and their biochemical and genetic properties, and their applications to human life such as medicines, food, and the dangers that they can present such as infections. This includes not only mushrooms, but also molds and bacteria. Phytopathology, which is the study of plant diseases, came about from mycology and these two are very closely related because often molds and other fungi attack plants in order to survive.

It has been found that the DNA of fungi is much more like the DNA that we humans have instead of being like the DNA that is found in plants. This is not only intriguing in the aspect that fungi look absolutely nothing like us, but also that it creates some challenges concerning research and issues that relate to the health of human beings. It has been speculated that since we now have the DNA of mold, we can use that to determine what level of risk it may pose to human beings and other life. We have also been able to determine that about one fourth of the human population has been genetically exposed to having a sensitivity to mold.

People say that mold and other kinds of fungi have only recently become a problem, but actually the fact is that we do not realize that mold has been a problem since Biblical times. It is mentioned quite blatantly in the book of Leviticus in the Talmud Torah. Moses provides instruction within it on how to identify and treat the mold infections in the home.

Molds growing in the home are a serious problem and most people do not realize that you can become seriously ill, permanently disabled, and even dead due to these contaminations. There are not enough mycologists and the general consensus is that mold is not being studied enough, considering the wide range of health effects that can arise from being exposed to it.

In order to become a mycologist, one must study for years and be involved in both laboratory and field work with fungi in hospitals, industry, food, and universities. Mycologists are often found working in industries such as infection control, management in hospitals, and in some pharmaceutical industries.

There are several schools that you can do to in the United States. The Universities of Texas and Minnesota offer some excellent programs. In Canada, the school in Toronto also has a good mycology program. There are some schools, however, that are dropping these programs because of the lack of interest in them.

Mold in Asian Food

Anyone who eats Asian food regularly probably knows that soy sauce has been around for at least a couple of thousand years and it is one of the most popular condiments in use today.

In ancient times, the people of Asia had to preserve meat and fish by packing them tightly in salt and the liquid that drained from the meat preserved like this was commonly used as a seasoning for other foods such as rice. As Buddhism became more popular, the salty meat drippings that were used for seasonings had to be exchanged for vegetarian alternatives. One alternative was a salty paste of some fermented grains and this was an early version of soy sauce.

As improvements were made on the recipe in Japan and a woman there opened the first commercial soy sauce brewery in the world, soy sauce soon became even more popular in Asia and its use began to spread.

Today, soy sauce is made with mashed soybeans, salt, wheat, and finally, a fermenting agent which is usually the same one used to make sake in Japan, Aspergillus oryzae. Aspergillus soyae can also be used. The mold used to ferment the soy sauce is a pretty important ingredient, as the soy sauce made with it is referred to as a “true” soy sauce.

Aspergillus oryzae is also used in the creation of Japanese rice wine, as mentioned earlier. Also called “koji”, it is one of the most important ingredients in the beverage. The mold is used to ferment steamed rice that has been milled sometimes down to less than 50 percent of its original mass in order to remove the amino acids, proteins, and fats that can really give the beverage a smell or flavor that is not as pleasant as it could be.

The cultivation of this mold is taken extremely seriously by sake brewers, since the mold is sensitive and can absorb the flavor and smell of the things around it, such as the smell of the wood a new brewing room might be constructed out of. If constructed of cedar, the sake may very well take on a faint cedar flavor after it is produced. In contrast to wine, sake should be consumed as soon as possible after being bottled. Some aged sakes are quite good, but the general opinion is to drink it as soon as you buy it.

A Surprising List Of Diseases Caused By Mold

If you hear of an illness that ends in “mycosis”, it was probably caused by a mold. Those who are particularly at risk to contract this class of diseases are those with compromised immune systems and this often occurs in people who have a cancer of the blood, chemotherapy patients, those with HIV or AIDs, anyone with serious blood disorders. Even those these diseases are far more likely to affect those with compromised immune systems, they can develop after a person has surgery or any other invasive procedure. It can also be transmitted by contaminated surgical instruments.

Generally the first symptoms of these mycotic diseases are those that are similar to the flu, such as chills, coughing, pain in the muscles and the joints, and fever. Medications that are antifungal can cause some of these symptoms, as well, even though the fungal infection that it is intended to treat cause these exact same symptoms. These drugs can also cause kidney damage and end up affecting the eyes, skin, or liver and a doctor will probably ask for labwork often in order to catch some of these serious side effects before they become out of control.

Some of the diseases that can be caught from a mold are histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, coccidioidomycosis, candidiasis, blastomycosis, and aspergillosis. These are serious fungal diseases and should be treated as such.

Aspergillosis is caused by molds in the Aspergillus genus and tends to be found in many places including buildings, plants, food, water, and soil.

Blastomycosis is caused by Blastomyces and is found soils that are rich in nutrients and very moist. It has been known to affect both animals and humans.

Candidiasis is caused from the mold Candida and can cause mouth infections or genital yeast infections, but it is even more serious when it ends up invading the bloodstream. Candida is found in the intestines naturally, however.

Coccidioidomycosis is caused by the mold coccidioides and this is found most often in the dry soil in the southwestern United States, and central and South America. It starts as a flu-like disease, but can infect the lungs and infect the other organs in the body, including the brain.

Cryptococcosis is caused by Cryptococcus and associated the most with Eucalyptus trees and bird droppings. It typically begins in the lungs, but has no symptoms until it spreads to the rest of the body.

Histoplasmosis is caused by Histoplasma and tends to infect the lungs. Like other fungal infections, it includes flu-like symptoms and can spread to the rest of the body.

Desert Mold Causes Valley Fever

It might not be that obvious, but even in desert climates such as parts of Arizona, California, Nevada, and etcetera mold can be a real problem. One of the most deadly (and most difficult to pronounce) molds lives in the desert areas of the southwestern United States called Coccidioidomycosis immitis. It is also known by the common name of Valley Fever. This causes a skin disease that can be fatal if left untreated. While this mold is present in the Southwestern United States and Mexico, this mold is not present in the deserts of Asia and Africa.

Another reason that mold can be a big problem in desert areas is that people also tend to use what are called swamp coolers to cool their homes and businesses off during the hottest parts of the year. This drives indoor humidity sky high and along with it comes the mold growth that you really do not want inside your building. Leaks are also common occurrences in the water pipes that flow up to the rooftop coolers, which causes water to leak in the ceilings, attics, and walls.

A third reason is that the high heat of the desert can cause the deterioration of roofs and the siding to occur more quickly than in other environments. Water leaking into the house through holes in the roof or the siding on the side of the house will allow mold to begin growing. Do your best if you live in a desert climate to watch for these leaks, since your property is particularly at risk for this kind of damage.

Since water and air conditioning are so important in these areas, the possibility of plumbing and air conditioning condensation leaks is pretty high. The best thing that you can do to prevent air conditioning condensation is to wrap any pipes in insulation so the water does not collect.

Unfortunately, most people do not think that these climates have enough moisture for mold to be a problem, but as said, this is a fairly large misconception. The same techniques used in other environments to combat mold contamination of the home should also be used in desert climates. The majority of mold claims in desert areas are a result of water damage, but mold can also be caused by defects in the construction of a home and sometimes general maintenance issues of the property.

Water Damaged Clothing Cleaning Methods

One of the most devastating things that can happen to a home owner is a house fire. And more often than not, you would have to either replace or attempt to restore fire or smoke damaged items. If you choose to simply clean the items, you must make sure that you clean them thoroughly before you make use of them again. While it may be quite a chore to try and restore most fire damaged items in the house, clothing is an almost entirely different story. Cleaning smoke damaged clothing is a very simple thing to do, and is most dependent on when you decide to wash them, and with what cleaning agent you employ to wash them.

While it is very easy to clean to clean the clothing, the task in of itself can be very daunting and, quite frankly, boring. However, one thing that can make the task easier to accomplish in a timely manner is to simply sort out your clothes by fabric types. This will help to determine how to care for each individual fabric type. This helps to ensure that you do not cause more damage than there already was. There are some things that are important to have dry cleaned as opposed to the others that will simply need to placed in a washer in your laundry room.

It is best if you sort out the clothing in accordance to how much soot or ash the clothes have managed to absorb. You should group the lightly soiled items together with other lightly soiled items. And, obviously, you should clean them together as well. However, you should break the lightly soiled items down into other groups based on fabric types, because some fabrics may not need to be as strongly cleaned because it could cause more damage.

However, you should shake out heavily soot soiled clothing before you attempt to wash them. This will help to remove as much of the soot as possible. It is also very important that you break the more heavily soiled clothes up into groups, as you did with the lighter soiled clothes. You should also make sure and wash the items twice at the very least. This is to help make sure that the clothes are completely clean.

It is a good idea to use the full recommended amount of laundry detergent for each wash load. Depending on the clothing’s material, you will have to adjust the water’s temperature.

Venting Is A Good Thing To Keep Mold At Bay

If you do not have a ceiling exhaust fan installed in your bathrooms, it will not be long before you realize why you need one. There are so many reasons that they are a necessary item. Have you ever tried to blow dry your hair in a steamy bathroom? If you could see yourself in the mirror it might help, but with all that moisture in the air it’s not likely. Then there are also those unspeakable bathroom odors that almost anyone would rather not speak of, but they go along with the natural procession of things and the exhaust fan is a marvelous invention, if only to dispel an unpleasantness that remains even after its last occupant is gone!

A bad hair-do will be the least of your worries if the moisture problem is not corrected.
A consistently steamy bathroom can result in shrinking the edges of wallpaper and peeling paint. These minor complications are bad enough in themselves, but with prolonged exposure, it can actually cause wooden window frames to swell, preventing them from opening easily, or not at all. Other wood, such as door frames, crown molding, and baseboards can swell and be damaged also, and then there is the scary mold that can grow on the ceiling and walls. It can be much cheaper in the long run to install exhaust fans rather than wait around for more costly repairs to show up later. Rest assured, any unresolved water problems in a home will not result in any thing good.

The exhaust fan is something that is rarely overlooked in newer homes, but not so in older ones. If you are a do it yourselfer, this could be a project you can handle. However, it does involve some electrical wiring, cutting holes through your ceiling and possibly through your outer wall in the attic. Home improvement stores have them with or without lights. If there is any existing light fixture in the ceiling of your bathroom, it is an advantage. If not, it will be a little more involved. In any case, if you are not familiar with electrical wiring and reciprocating saws, then hiring someone to install it for you might be the easiest and safest option. Saving money doing it yourself is great if your work is done properly. Just remember it is only home improvement if you are fixing old problems and not creating new ones!

Replacing Molded Carpet

For a homeowner there is nothing more unsightly then mold. Even worse, still, is mold growing on your carpet. The first thing one usually decides to do upon discovering mold is to have it thoroughly cleaned. However, this can be far more difficult than it actually sounds. One of the biggest problems you can face may be that the mold isn’t simply on your carpet. It may also be on the padding beneath the carpet, and this could just cause even more damage than the original carpet. And if this is the case, the whole carpet should be removed. The padding should also be removed and thrown away.

Fortunately, removing carpet is a relatively simple task that can be achieved by someone who has never worked with carpet in their life. All the process takes is a little bit of common sense, and perhaps some patience.

The first thing you should do when removing the carpet is to take up the moldings that go all around the floor and to begin to take the doors from off of the hinges. The only real purpose behind taking the doors off of the hinges is to create more space for you to work with as you take the old carpet out of the floor and put the new carpet in its place. It is probably a good idea to employ the use of a utility knife to cut the carpet up into strips. Cutting the carpet will make the task of taking the carpet out much easier. However, when using the knife, it is very important to be careful, as you might have a hardwood floor underneath and it would be a tragedy to cut it.

You should always start at one end of the room and to pull the carpet from off of the tackless strips and to roll it up neatly. You can install new tackless strips later on if you make the decision to put a new carpet in later. You should install them around the perimeter of the room you’re working in, but make sure that you do not put them in front of any doorways. There needs to also be at least one half inch of space between the stips and the wall. The tack points should be facing the wall.

You should check the floor underneath for mold damage. It may be refinished if damage is found.

You won’t have to reinstall carpet where the old carpet had been, but only depending on the condition of the floor.

Protecting Your Personal Property From Mold

It is well known that there is no such thing as a “mold free” environment. It is in the air we breathe, on our furniture, on our clothes, and definitely in our homes. It is simply a matter of whether or not the mold actually starts to grow on our property that determines if there is a problem. Mold likes to grow in wet environments, so wet kitchen floors are potential breeding grounds, as well as un-dried dishes in your kitchen.

Even items that you might use to take care of an infant with are susceptible to mold contamination. Things like baby clothes and even food are targets for contamination. Baby bottles are no longer just round cylinders, as they used to be. To accommodate twenty first century styles, plastic companies that produce these products have changed to using several different odd shapes and designs which make the bottles more difficult to clean in some cases. If these bottles are not completely dry and are placed back into a refrigerator, they can become a veritable breeding ground for mold and other bacteria. However, there is a way to prevent this. After drying the bottle as best you can, simply place the bottle into the freezer and let it sit in there until you are ready to use it again. These cold temperatures are, for lack of a better word, unfit for mold to grow in. This is the same reason why it is popular to put common items like flour, cornmeal, and sugar in the freezer.

Clothes that have not been attended to in a long amount of time that gather in the back of the closet are hotbeds for molds. It is important that you do not pack clothes close together, as it can cut off air circulation in the closet and that will create warmth which is essential in order for mold to survive. If there is warmth, and if there is enough humidity in your home, this can cause further mold infestation. A good way to prevent mold in this area is to install a vent inside of the closet.

Damp and dirty clothing left in a bathroom closet or hamper is another breeding ground for mold. The same goes for damp carpets, as well. While having a carpet in the bathroom is not a good idea when mold is involved, it can be worsened with wet clothing. It’s important that you take the laundry out of the closet or hamper constantly.

Moldy Fabric Cleaning Methods Revealed

There is hardly a person in the world that hasn’t gone through their wardrobe and discovered that one favorite shirt of theirs from their younger days. And then the moment is ruined upon the discovery of a fuzzy substance on the shirt. If you found this shirt in the back of your closet, then you should go wash your hands, because the shirt has been infected with mold and touching mold spores with your bare hands can be very hazardous for your health. There are several medical problems that could arise from contact with mold. Some of these problems are skin rashes, allergic reactions, runny noses, and the like.

If you do have articles of clothing which contain mold, don’t worry because most molded clothing can be cleaned as good as new. However, the mold can end up leaving stains. Bleach can be a very effective form of mold removal. However, this usually works best when cleaning white clothing. Other effective cleaning methods include using a scrub brush, which can remove a good deal of the mold and then place a pre-wash spray on it. Allow this spray to soak for roughly forty five minutes and then put it into the washing machine. It is very important that you allow these clothes to dry naturally in the sun. If you were to use some artificial source of heat, then the stain could set in even deeper in the fabric, and the sun can help further the bleaching process white clothing.

While regular clothing is easy to have mold removed from, you may have no such luck with genuine leather or cowhide. These types of items are easily susceptible to being discolored beyond repair. Most of these items are incapable of being restored, and they are probably better left in the garbage.

However, upholstery and curtains that have come in contact with mold can be cleaned using the same aforementioned methods as described above. It is important that you also purchase a vacuum cleaner that has a HEPA filter in it in order to accommodate a mold free home. If you use this vacuum and its brush attachments to gather up all of the mold and its consequential spores, the filter will prevent these spores from being re-released. This will prevent from having to repeat this process or, perhaps even worse, have to throw out more clothing.

Mold Can Destroy Citrus Crops Quickly

Anyone who works with citrus crops knows that they can take a very long time to grow and cultivate. But, perhaps even more frustrating than waiting on the crops to have to grow and ripen are the various molds and fungi that could afflict the crops. The two most prominent molds that affect a citrus crop post-harvest are blue mold, and green mold. These two are caused by the single mold Penicillium digitatum. All citrus fruit growing regions have this mold and it is most certainly a serious threat to the crops.

Citrus fruit is made into an easy target for mold by way of being bruised or by being punctured while it is being packed or harvested. The mold is attracted to the juice that comes out of the damaged fruit on account of the fact that mold likes to grow in wet and humid environments. And since most citrus is grown in temperate zones, there is no lack of these two qualities. If the fruit is in, say, a large shipping truck with a lot of other fruits, the mold could spread far into the shipment and cause a good portion of it to be riddled with mold infection. And if the mold makes to the grocery store and the mold, by some miracle, goes unnoticed it could affect other items in the store. If the fruit is left on the tree and mold has spread to it then other fruit on the tree could be affected and the crop could be rendered useless.

The only actual difference between blue mold and green mold is color. There are virtually no differences in the effects the two molds have on fruit. The two molds also have very similar growing environments and necessities and have basically the same needs. They must both grow in a temperature of around seventy five degrees Fahrenheit. Raising or lowering the temperature can slow the growth of these molds. As such, freezing the citrus fruits can stop the molds growth before any serious damage can be done. This is why most shipment trucks are equipped with a freezer, but many still do not have this feature. Taking extra care of the citrus fruits is another way to prevent the spread of mold. Caring for the fruit helps to ensure that there is no puncturing or bruising. Fungicides are also a very popular, and a highly recommended, way of dealing with mold.

Hurricanes And Water Safety Made Simple And Easy

If there is a hurricane heading to your area, then it is most important that you make preparations, incase you decide to simply wait the hurricane out. Arguably the most important thing that you can do is to make sure that you have a sizeable bottled water supply in your home. It is important that you make sure that the water supply is proportionate to the number of people dwelling at your house, as there must be enough water for the duration of the storm. It is critical that you have clean drinking water during the storm. The water from the sea and sewer system may have affected the water in your tap, so you should never assume that the water coming out of your faucet is clean. You should not drink anything but bottled water during a hurricane. This contaminated water could sicken your family or guests and even cause death in the worst case. You should make sure that there is at least one gallon of water for one person to drink a day. Water purification tablets and chlorinated bleach come highly recommended, as they can be used to clean water in most situations. It is important that you let the treated water set for at least 30 minutes before you drink it.

It is important that you, under no circumstances whatsoever, do not drink water that may be contaminated. Damage to your body caused by contaminated water is devastating and if you have drank any contaminated water and are afflicted with the symptoms of it, it is very unlikely that you will be able to make it to a hospital during the hurricane and death could very well result. If you receive any cuts or wounds, do not try and wash it off with faucet water. This could make the contamination’s job that much easier. You should instead wash the cut or cuts with soap and chlorine bleach treated water. This will help keep serious harm from happening.

You should at no point allow children to play in flood waters, no matter how hot it may get in your building. If there are toys that have come into contact with water that you so much as suspect as being contaminated, you should have the toys disinfected before allowing the children to play with them again. You should also board up your windows and doors with plywood, as it keeps glass from being blown into your home and causing cuts.

Easy To Follow Tips To Waterproof Your Deck

One thing that always makes a homeowner proud is a newly finished deck. And for a few months it may look very good. However, if you have not had your deck waterproofed, your deck could end up being a very ugly addition to your home. If you want your deck to be around for a long time, then waterproofing it is absolutely essential. Without waterproofing, than cracking and warping can occur, and that means your deck will not be very far from destruction. Fortunately, waterproofing doesn’t have to be very difficult.

The very first thing to do to waterproof your deck is to give it a very thorough cleaning. Now, usually the best time for one to start waterproofing the deck is to start right after you build the deck. However, cleaning it off is the first thing to do if you do not have the option of starting right away. You should start the cleaning process is to sweep off any and all debris that may be on the deck. Then remove any furniture that may be on the deck. Once all of the debris and furniture is removed, you can go to your local hardware store and purchase a cleaning solution. You can employ the use of a pump sprayer to apply the cleaning agent to the deck. It will eventually start to foam, and at that point you should start to scrub the deck with a scrub brush that has stiff bristles. The bristles will give a little extra muscle to remove any stubborn stains that may be left on there, especially ones from soot or grease. After scrubbing, rinse the deck off as thoroughly as possible with a garden hose. It’s a good idea to wear eye protection of some kind in order to keep any grit from the deck out of your eyes.

Now, after the deck has had time to dry, there are two options available. If the wood is more or less new, you have the option to put a new stain on it. If you do not want a new stain, then now is the time to apply water sealant onto the deck in order to protect the wood. Applying the sealant is best done with a sprayer or roller. The deck should dry completely after a few days, and then it should be alright to walk on it without worrying about damaging any of the sealant.

Fire Damage Restoration Advice

One of the most devastating things can happen to a home owner is to have a house fire. And once the embers are finally smoldered out, the first thing one usually wants to do is to go into the charred remains to see just what are you home can be salvaged and cleaned. However, you should hold off on doing this until you have sought council from your insurance claims adjuster. This way, you can make sure that you do not waste your time, and money, and cause more damage as opposed to repairs. Your insurance adjuster can give guidance on how best to restore and/or replace your destroyed or damaged belongings.

One helpful thing that an insurance claims adjuster can do is refer you to a fire restoration company. Companies such as these can give very helpful tips to prevent further damage from being done to your home and property. Fire restoration companies can even tell you how to restore damaged properties. They will also give you an estimate of the likely price of thoroughly cleaning and deodorizing your home. Even though these services are, more often than not, expensive, it will most likely be a lot less than having to replace your damaged floors and furniture.

Now, if you find that you are incapable of affording the services a fire restoration company can offer, there are certain measures that you can take on your own. However, be sure that your fire marshal approves your plan and deems it safe enough for you to do before you go back into your home.

It is important that the very first thing you do to repair your home is to get as much air circulating through it as possible. The easiest way of doing this is to simply open some doors and open some windows and bring in a fan. If there has been any water damage, perhaps as a result of the fire trucks, you will probably want to invest in a de-humidifier. Any wet items should be dried as soon as possible. You might also want to consider buying a heavy duty vacuum cleaner. If you cannot afford cleaning services, do not use an upright vacuum or attachments because this would only set soot damage further in the carpet. After the vacuuming is done, you should cover the carpet with a tarp, so you do not cause further soiling while cleaning.

Yes You Can Detect Mold With Light

There is almost nothing that plagues one’s house quite as badly as the pest called mold. Mold is usually very easy to find, because more often than not it is brightly colored and absolutely hideous. However, not all molds are as easy to detect. Some mold is actually very well hidden from the naked eye. There are a few types of molds, such as members of Penicillium sp. and Aspergillus sp. groups, which are capable of being next to invisible. However, it is not impossible to find these molds. In fact, you can use one of the simplest objects in your house to your advantage. A flashlight.

While it may sound simplistic enough to use a flashlight to find mold, there is a trick to it. Using the flashlight will not help you to detect the mold unless you shine it in the right way. You cannot simply shine the light directly on the surface where you suspect mold, because you will most likely see absolutely nothing. Instead, you must shine the light along the surface. Doing this will make the difference between getting rid of the mold or just using up battery power for nothing.

Mold is very tricky because it likes to hide in little areas that are difficult to get to without tools. One of these places is inside wooden paneling. Using the light along the paneling can show whether or not the paneling is buckled and in need of removal or replacement. There may be drywall or perhaps even a cavity behind the drywall because some people like to replace water damage drywall with paneling.

Moisture does not exactly mean that there is mold in the area, but this does not mean that you should neglect to look in areas where there is moisture. This is because it will help you realize that mold has the potential to grow in almost every single area in your home. It will also teach you that the mold can especially grow in the places you cannot see it. It is very much like the phrase “knowing is half of the battle.” In this case, knowing can make the difference between a house devoid of mold and a house infested with mold. If you do not know how to find mold, then you cannot combat it.

Do not just look for the black mold that you may constantly hear about. You should know that some black molds are merely cosmetic and if you don’t have the mold tested to confirm whether or not it is dangerous, you could end up wasting thousands of dollars.

You Can Prevent Basement Mold Problems

It is a well known fact that old basements and mold damage go together like peanut butter and jelly. However, to new home owners it may not be as well known just how these damages are caused. And it may be even lesser well known how to combat the damage. Now, water damage, musty smells, and interior wall damage may be very obvious problems, but not all of the problems are as apparent. But they can indeed be removed.

Now, it is a very popular thing to employ your basement as a laundry room and it is usually a very efficient place to do this. However, you could be making your clothing a target for one of the biggest causes of home water damage: mold. Wet clothing is a veritable breeding ground for mold. If you throw in a basement, which is usually the most humid area you can find in a house, then the results could be disastrous. The reason is that mold likes to grow in places that are wet and humid. And if your basement does not have a good vent system, then humidity will build up from the machines running. This means that if the clothes are unattended for a certain period of time, you may find yourself buying some new clothes soon.

Now, while it can be difficult to prevent mold, it is not impossible. One way that you can prevent this from happening is to keep from blocking vents. This will allow for a better air flow and, as a result, the humidity will drop and keep your clothing safer. You should also make sure that any hot air with nowhere to go must be dealt with immediately. This heat has the potential to cause damage to any wood in the basement, and the damaged wood could create crevices for condensation to build up from humidity. This condensation and heat is almost guaranteed to start a mold colony. Installing an exhaust vent can be very beneficial to the remediation of this problem. It is also important that you keep doors that lead outside of your home closed as often as possible. This will help prevent more moisture from entering your house, and, therefore your basement. You can also invest in a dehumidifier. A dehumidifier and a good ventilation system should be a major help in keeping your basement mold free.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Fires Caused By Electric Appliances

The last thing that any person who has a home wants to experience would be a fire in the house, but the fact is that these occur a lot more often than some individuals may think and it is typically due to carelessness in the house with heat and electricity. There happen to be a number of appliances inside your household that are dangerous and have to have special attention, however many individuals usually pay no mind to some of the warnings and care suggestions that go with these appliances and they do not look over them at all.
A dangerous, yet useful items that you can have within your house is a space heater. They are useful if you cannot afford to have gas heat or the extra cost on the electric bill to heat the house when it is cold, but when used incorrectly or in an inappropriate area of the home, they could start fires extremely quickly. You should always pay close attention while having electric heaters within the house and if possible, you must not use these within houses with toddlers because of the risk of injury.
Electric heaters ought not be used on carpet or on rugs unless the heated part is somewhere around half a foot away from the floor.
Space heaters should not be plugged up during the night unless it is too cold. Make use of these just when there is someone around to watch them. A large number of fires happen after dark and when people are away from home, so making sure these are off and unplugging them when you are out of the house could be a good thing to consider.
Fires are also created electric blankets. Too many have woken up at night with their bed in flames because they let the blanket stay on while they were sleeping and leaving them on might be a bad thing to do because of very reason. Try to store these in places where they have no chance of being soaked, as well, such as the top part of the closet.