Thursday, October 18, 2007

Avoid Purchasing a Flooded Car

If you are looking to purchase a vehicle, odds are fair that you cannot afford to purchase a brand new one right off the lot. Buying a new vehicle is often not necessary and you can get some pretty good deals, since most vehicles depreciate in value by thousands of dollars right after you drive them off the lot that you bought it from.

While there are many factors to consider when you purchase a used vehicle, one important thing to avoid when you do go looking is a vehicle that shows signs of water damage. The car could have been driven into a river or any other body of water and you simply not realize it, because the signs are often difficult to spot. You can purchase a vehicle history report from sites like, but you should be aware that these reports are not always entirely accurate. If damage was done to a vehicle and a claim not filed on it with the owner’s insurance company, then the damage will not show up on the history report. Unless the owner tells you the car was flooded, you will often not realize it until it is too late.

Look at the nooks and crannies of the vehicle for signs of silt or rust, especially in the trunk and the glove box. The area around the tail lights in the trunk is one of the first areas on a vehicle that will rust.

The upholstery in the vehicle also needs to be looked at. Smell the inside of the car and note if it is musty at all. This can be a sign that mold has started to grow inside either in the upholstery or the carpet itself. Be wary if the vehicle has been treated with air fresheners, since this may be being used to cover up an odor.

Flex the wires located under the dashboard. If they are brittle and crack at all, then they have probably been exposed to water.

Another thing to take into consideration if you can stand the condition of the interior of the car is the engine. Sand, dirt, and silt getting inside an engine like this can potentially ruin it and the last thing you want to do with a car you just purchased is replace the engine.

Always get a vehicle history report when you purchase a vehicle, but be sure to do your own inspection before buying anything. Hire a trusted mechanic to inspect the technical parts of the car if you have no experience in them, as well.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
New York water damage restoration and other states and cities such as
New York Basement Water Removal companies across the united states.